Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Outsiders Essay Example For Students

Outsiders Essay The Outsiders is a movie about teenagers who Are always facing conflicts aroundthemselves. The teens are represented in many different ways throughout themovie. There will be many questions asked like are these teens realisticallyportrayed, Are they like any other teen you know, and is it worth doing whatthese teens do throughout the movie? The teens are represented good and bad. They are represented good when they are hiding out at the church, there is afire in the church with a bunch of kids in there and on of the boys run in tosave the kids the other two jump in to help save them. The make the front coverof the newspaper. They risked their lives to save the kids and the one boy hadto get rushed to the hospital to get treated for serious burns. The teen wererepresented with the cloths that they wear, the Socs were all dressed up indress pants and polo shirts for the preppy look. The greasers were dresses up asif they didnt care what they look like, they had long greasy hair, blue jeansand a T-shirt. If I were the teen at the scene of the fire I dont think thatI would go into the church unless I knew someone in there and they really neededhelp. The teens were realistically portrayed when one of the guys from the Socswanted to talk to the Greaser in the blue mustang to talk to him about some ofhis problems. The one Greaser asked the other on what to do and he said nothinglegal, they went under the fence to watch a movie in the drive in theater. Theseteens are like the teens that we have in our city, because we have gangs in ourcity and there are bound to be against each other. There are teens who smoke andhave the tough guy attitude like some in our city. The gangs are the rich Socsverse the poor Greasers, they are always seeing to see who has more power. Thefinal brawl showed who had more power and the Greasers won. These issues areaccurate that they showed, it is in our every day live that we come across suchissues affecting our media. There are also many stereotypes out there that arein the movie and out in the real world.

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